J. Pepper Bryars
The Present Crisis
Podcast Episode: Bail in ‘Bama — Killers let loose to kill again

Podcast Episode: Bail in ‘Bama — Killers let loose to kill again

Why are the courts letting known killers out for such low bail?

This episode of the Present Crisis focuses on the bail reform effots comginf from the left and the right.

On the left, people are pushing for cash bail to be reduced or eliminated altogether, even for suspects charged with violent crimes.

On the right, victim advocates are calling for bail to be increased and even denied for those who kidnap, rape, or kill.

I offer the latest news, sort through the data, and present both sides of the argument.

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Bottom line: bail probably needs to be reduced for nonviolent crimes, but it certainly needs to be denied for some of the violent ones.

J. Pepper Bryars
The Present Crisis
"In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." -- President Ronald Reagan, Inaugural Address, January 20, 1981
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J. Pepper Bryars